
Wraparound Care


A new Wraparound Pathfinder Scheme was announced in the Spring 2023 Budget by the previous Government. The ambition of this scheme is that all primary aged children can access 8.00am to 6.00pm childcare provision term time only.

This scheme has enabled us to access a grant to put some wraparound provision in place from September 2024. We will be able to offer Breakfast Provision at St Faiths' each morning from 8.00am. The After School Provision will be shared between the 3 Harnser schools (Frettenham, Hainford and St Faiths' Primary Schools) but based at St. Faiths’, with all children being collected by 6.00pm.

The Provision both before and after school will be staffed by our school and Federation staff. It will provide a friendly environment where children of all ages can relax before and after school or choose to take part in a range of age-appropriate activities, including accessing some of the outdoor areas or completing homework if the children wish to. They will also be provided with breakfast in the morning and a light meal at the afterschool provision.

The purpose of the grant is to put some provision in place and then to make sure that it is self-sustaining long term. Schools are unable to use their school budget to subsidise wraparound care. In short, if parents do not use it - we will lose it. 

Further information about The Provision can be found here: Wraparound Care Provision Information

We will need you to book and pay for sessions a half term in advance, so we know when staff are required and where. Registration and booking forms can be downloaded below. If you require printed copies, please get in touch via the school office.

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