

Children are all individuals and develop at their own individual pace. Where we feel that a child is not achieving as well as we would expect we would start a process of identifying and addressing his/her special needs.

The child’s teacher, the Special Needs coordinator and parents discuss the child’s strengths and weaknesses and suggest appropriate strategies or learning programmes. This may include giving a child extra support on an individual or small group basis.

If the child’s progress is still very slow, with the agreement of the parents, we may call upon the advice of another processional such as an advisory teacher, educational psychologist, speech therapist or occupational therapist.

Children whose learning is more severely hindered due to visual or hearing impairment, specific learning difficulties (dyslexia), emotional/behavioural difficulties or poor coordination may be recommended for a formal assessment. This will give a clearer picture of the child’s abilities and may result in a statement of the child’s Special Education Needs and extra resources to meet those needs.

Parents are always involved in discussions from the beginning and no decisions are made without parental agreement.

SEND Handbook