The Schools Vision
Our Vision Statement
Our Schools offer a safe and stimulating Christian environment where all our children have opportunities to be the best they can be.
Our Aims and Values
- To educate the whole child, giving them access to, and experience of, a broad and balanced curriculum.
- To provide equal access to learning experiences that are appropriate and based upon individual need that enable each child to learn effectively.
- To plan for and set appropriate, challenging targets to ensure high standards of attainment and accelerated progress.
- To create a caring school community where all individuals are valued and respected and where discipline is fair and consistent, thus promoting respect for ourselves, each other and the environment.
- To foster positive relations with each child, their parents/carers and with members of our local and wider community.
- To maximise the use of all resources available to us, ensuring good value for money and to make effective use of time, staff and the school environment.
- To celebrate our Christian foundation to strengthen our links with the local community and the wider world.
- To work in partnership with all local and national stakeholders to provide high quality, village Primary education.